3.1.1 What is the best defense against microcompetition?

High meme resistance.

3.1.2 What is meme resistance?

Microcompetitive ideas spread according to the fact-based criterion of how true or valid they are. Meme resistance entails rejecting ideas that do not meet the decision-based criterion of how useful they are in deciding what actions to take toward NSG.

Fact-based thinking views knowledge (the acquisition of irrelevant memes) as power. Decision-based thinking views ignorance (the ability to resist being controlled by irrlevant memes) as strength.

3.1.3 What is an example of a fact-based meme?

"Nothing is perfect. Everything has its pros and cons."

3.1.4 What is the decision-based alternative?

"I choose the path of maximum efficiency toward NSG. That is perfection."

3.1.5 What is another example?

Honesty. The ethical principle that one should be factually truthful.

3.1.6 The alternative?

Memetic purity. The strategic principle of never taking actions whose intent is not NSG.

3.1.7 Another?

Someone who says "You are contradicting yourself," and referring to a contradiction in factual concepts.

3.1.8 Alternative?

One asks if everything is intended as part of a single overall strategy to attain NSG.

3.1.9 Another?

"Is society going to destroy itself?"

3.1.10 Alternative?

"Is destroying society a viable option in the pursuit of NSG?"

3.1.11 Another?

"Everything is a product of and a part of adaptive evolution, including general strategy. Nothing can escape the forces of adaptive selection."

3.1.12 Alternative?

"In this society, intelligence is used to sustain microcompetition. I want intelligence to be used to sustain macrocompetition."

3.1.13 Another?

"Nothing is certain, so no one can be right about anything."

3.1.14 Alternative?

"mss leads to a best decision in every scenario."

or using strategic emotions:

"That's why we will crush you and force you to think our way."